Working Hard
Every time I run into our stake president (he lives in our ward), he always asks us "working hard or hardly working?". This week, I feel like I very honestly answered "Working Hard". We did a lot of work this week, along with some traveling. There were many moments when I would have loved to taken a break, and it would have been okay in the eyes of my mission president, but my desire to serve as a consecrated missionary overcame those temptations. Every morning my comp and I have been running down from our apartment to the edge of Mobile Bay. Now, this isn't that far, but if you know me, I am not much of a runner. I think by attempting this challenge at the start of my day, every day, has helped me to overcome so many other challenges that I previously had no motivation to conquer.
There were some sad moments this week in the work, such as our less active politely asking us to not return. Her husband is still very against the church (he being a member as well), and so she is going to just keep our visits to rare, outside of the home visits. On Friday, we were finally able to try and see Jhemarial, our most progressing investigator at one point. She is not as lost as we thought. She is in a similar position to Joseph Smith right now, as she has many churches catching her attention, and she just isn't sure which one to join. She accepted our invitation to read Alma 32 though, and I really think she will find her answers there.
This Friday, we also had a half mission conference with Elder Sitati of the 70. He taught out of Alma 32 in regards to a question I posed. I have been wondering for quite some time what it truly means to be valiant in the testimony of Christ. This is required to receive salvation in the Celestial kingdom, according to Doctrine and Covenants 76. As we studied the section about the seed and it's relation to faith, we learned how one progresses to gain a full knowledge of the truth. As we abide by the truths we come to know and understand, and live as Christ's disciples, we will be valiant in this testimony. There were many other wonderful things about that conference though and I could write an entire essay about it. It was comforting to see many of my mission friends there as well. This really has become my family.
One family in the ward that we have spent a lot of time with and I have come to love is the Williams. Doug and Linda Williams are recent converts who love the church and missionary work. They take us to lessons all the time. They are true southerners and just have strong testimonies. I love my converts for whatever reason it is. I just feel like we get each other I guess.
Many wonderful things have been happening, and we have more than reached our goals this week. Weeks like that make every sad and difficult things worth it. Today we also got to really enjoy ourselves as we taught seminary, and then went to Alligator Alley. I have many pictures that I will send of that experience. We also went to this place called Lambert's Cafe, where they throw rolls at you and have super authentic southern food. It was a great day to be in Alabama.
I love you all and I am so grateful for your prayers Everyone of them means so much to me. Please, keep studying the lessons of General Conference. They are filled with things that our Heavenly Father needs us to know and prepare for at this specific time.